Friday, April 1, 2011

Today was a much better day.

Hi everyone,

Today has been a much better day.  While I did not do any stitching yet, I did do some work on the calendar for my Embroidery Guild.  It felt good to be helpful.  Hopefully, after supper tonight I can do some stitching. 
I do have to tell you all yesterday got a lot worse.  I got lost in Oklahoma City (or the City as Okies call it).  Luckily, I got a hold of my husband and he guided me through the City, Moore OK and Norman OK to the interstate.  Then when I got on to the interstate and let him get off the phone, I missed my exit and went into the next county.  Luckily, I was able to turn around at the next exit and come back and get to my exit.  I didn't even see my husband at all yesterday as he worked until 11pm and was gone when I got up this morning.  Hopefully, I will get to see him tonight but I have not heard from him for more than 5 minutes this whole day.  He must be really busy with his job.  Part of the life of being married to a man who works on testing asphalt for roads for a living.